Creating a sitemap provides search engines with a road map to your website that helps ensure that they index everything you want them to. Do not use robot.txt files to hide private user information as robot.txt files are publically availableĪ sitemap is a file that provides web crawlers with information about all of the pages, videos, and other files found on your website.

Indicate the location of any sitemaps associated with your domain at the bottom of your robots.txt files.Every subdomain must have their own robots.txt files.Robot.txt files must be named in all lower case, such as “robots.txt”.Robot.txt files must be placed in the top-level directory of your site in order to be found.Here are a few tips for using correct robot.txt files: If you use robot.txt files incorrectly, the web crawlers may not read them correctly, resulting in the entirety of your site being crawled and indexed. Web crawlers will check for robot.txt files before they begin crawling through the site. Robot.txt files, also known as the robots exclusion protocol, lets web crawlers and other web bots know if there are certain areas of your site that you do not want to be processed or scanned. Search engines like Google use bots to crawl through the content on any given site and to index it for search ranking purposes. Some common website coding problems include: Incorrect Robot.txt Files Not only can it affect how your website is supposed to function, but it can affect the ability of search engines to properly index your site’s content, thereby hurting your search rankings. If your code is unorganized and messy, it can result in a variety of issues. Messy CodeĪ lot of coding is involved in the building of a website, especially as you add more functions and features to your site. Keeping all of that in mind, we offer these 12 common problems that can negatively affect your website’s performance that you should be sure to monitor.

Poor performance in any area can hurt your ability to convert visitors as well as your ability to collect reliable data, which is needed to adjust and improve future marketing efforts, not to mention business strategies in general. It’s why monitoring and maintaining its performance is so important. The website that you build is the foundation on which all of your online marketing efforts will depend.